Seamless integration with Excel and Google Sheets Google Sheets add-on

Install. Sign in. Enjoy.’s integration with Excel and Google Sheets couldn’t be easier. Simply get the Excel 365 or Google Sheets add-on, sign in with your account, and start using your Flex functions and integrations.

Flex functions work just like any other spreadsheet function, they’ll just look something like this:

=FLEX('integration-data-set', parameter1, [parameter2])
Google Sheets Add-on

Get the Google Sheets add-on

Get started with on-demand, refreshable lookups in Google Sheets. To install the add-on, open up one of your Google Sheets. Then, click on the “Add-ons” menu and select “Get Add-ons”. In the Add-on dialog, search for “” in the search bar. Finally, click the button next to the Google Sheets Add-on listing to install it.

Using the Google Sheets Add-on
Microsoft Excel Add-on

Get the Excel 365 add-on

Super-power your Excel 365 spreadsheets with on-demand, refreshable data lookups and extracts from your web apps. To install the add-on to Excel, click on the “Insert” menu and select “Get Add-ins”. In the Office Add-ins dialog, search for “” in the search bar. Click the “Add” button next to the Excel Add-in listing to install it.

PLEASE NOTE: This add-on will only function with an Excel for Microsoft 365 subscriptions. Currently, Office 2016 and earlier version of Excel are not supported.

Using the Excel Add-in

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