
Hunter Functions & Syntax


Hunter helps you find and verify a set of email contact information. With this spreadsheet integration for Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, you can find new contacts at an organization as well as lookup delivery verification status and confidence scores for an existing list of email addresses.

What you can do

With this integration, you can:

  • Enrich an email list with delivery verification information and confidence scores
  • Find a list of email addresses at a company
  • Lookup email addresses for a list of people
  • Lookup the status and confidence scores for a list of email addresses

What you need

You need to have a Hunter account and your account's API key to use this integration. Also, if you haven't already installed the add-on for Excel or Google Sheets, you need to set this up as well.

Functions and Syntax

This integration for Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets includes the following functions:

Hunter Organization Enrichment

Returns a set of data about the organization, the email addresses found and additional information about the people owning those email addresses.


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-enrich-org", domain, [properties])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-enrich-org", "")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-enrich-org", "", "organization, first_name, last_name, email")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-enrich-org", "", "first_name, last_name, email, linkedin, twitter")


Property Type Description Required
domain string The domain name from which you want to find the domain addresses. For example, "". true
properties array The properties to return (defaults to all properties). See "Returns" for a listing of the available properties. false


Property Type Description
organization string The name of the organization associated with the specifed domain
domain string The domain name of the organization
first_name string The first name of the person
last_name string The last name of the person
email string The email address of the person
email_disposable string True if this is an domain address from a disposable domain service
email_webmail string True if we find this is an domain from a webmail, for example Gmail
email_score string An estimation of the probability the email address returned is correct
phone string The phone number of the person
position string The position of the person in the organization
seniority string The seniority level of the person in the organization
department string The department of the person in the organization
linkedin string The username of the person on LinkedIn
twitter string The username of the person on Twitter

Hunter People Enrichment

Return the professional email of this person and a confidence score.


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-enrich-people", domain, first_name, last_name, [properties])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-enrich-people", "", "Dustin", "Moskovitz")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-enrich-people", "", "Dustin", "Moskovitz", "email, organization")


Property Type Description Required
domain string The domain name from which you want to find the email address. For example, "". true
first_name string The person's first name. It doesn't need to be in lowercase. true
last_name string The person's last name. It doesn't need to be in lowercase. true
properties array The properties to return (defaults to all properties). See "Returns" for a listing of the available properties. false


Property Type Description
organization string The name of the organization associated with the specifed domain
domain string The domain name of the organization
first_name string The first name of the person
last_name string The last name of the person
email string The email address of the person
email_score string An estimation of the probability the email address returned is correct
phone string The phone number of the person
position string The position of the person in the organization

Hunter Email Verification

Return email delivery verification and confidence score.


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-verify-email", email, [properties])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-verify-email", "")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-verify-email", "", "score, status, webmail")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/hunter-verify-email", "", "score, status, autogen, disposable")


Property Type Description Required
email string The email address you want to verify true
properties array The properties to return (defaults to all properties). See "Returns" for a listing of the available properties. false


Property Type Description
score string The deliverability score of the email address
status string The status; one of deliverable, undeliverable, or risky
regexp string True if the email address passes a regular expression test
autogen string True if this is an automatically generated email address
disposable string True if this is an email address from a disposable email service
webmail string True if we find this is an email from a webmail, for example Gmail
mx_records string True if MX records exist on the domain of the given email address
smtp_server string True if connecting to the SMTP server was successful
smtp_check string True if the email address doesn't bounce
smtp_check_blocked string True if the SMTP server prevented the STMP check
smtp_accept_all string True if the SMTP server accepts all the email addresses; this can result in false positives on SMTP checks

Need help?

Have questions? Need help getting started? Need other Hunter templates or functions for Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets? Chat with us; we're happy to help!