
FullContact Functions & Syntax


FullContact helps you find and verify professional profile information for your contacts. With this spreadsheet integration for Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, you can lookup personal and social media information for a list of email addresses, or company data for a list of website domains.

What you can do

With this integration, you can:

  • Enrich an email list with Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn handles
  • Enrich an email list with company data
  • Lookup name, age, gender, and location for a list of contacts
  • Lookup professional profiles for a list of contacts, including title and bio
  • Find company data for a list of organizations based on their website domains

What you need

You need to have a FullContact account and your account's API key to use this integration. Also, if you haven't already installed the Flex.io add-on for Excel or Google Sheets, you need to set this up as well.

Functions and Syntax

This integration for Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets includes the following functions:

FullContact People Enrichment

Return a person's profile information based on their email address.


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-enrich-people", email, [properties])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-enrich-people", "tcook@apple.com")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-enrich-people", "bill.gates@microsoft.com")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-enrich-people", "jeff@amazon.com", "full_name, title, bio")


Property Type Description Required
email string The email address of the person you wish you find. true
properties array The properties to return (defaults to all properties). See "Returns" for a listing of the available properties. false


Property Type Description
full_name string The full name of the person (default)
age_range string The age range of the person
gender string The gender of the person
location string The location of the person (varies depending on data quality)
title string The current or most recent job title of the person
organization string The current or most recent place of work of the person
twitter_url string The URL of the person's Twitter profile
facebook_url string The URL of the person's Facebook profile
linkedin_url string The URL of the person's LinkedIn profile
bio string A biography of the person
avatar_url string The URL of the person's photo

FullContact Organization Enrichment

Return information about an organization based on domain name.


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-enrich-org", domain, [properties])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-enrich-org", "apple.com")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-enrich-org", "stripe.com", "twitter_url, linkedin_url")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-enrich-org", "fullcontact.com", "website, logo, founded, employees")


Property Type Description Required
domain string The domain name of the organization from which you want to retrieve information. For example, "apple.com". true
properties array The properties to return (defaults to all properties). See "Returns" for a listing of the available properties. false


Property Type Description
name string The name of the organization (default)
location string The location or address of the organization
twitter_url string The URL of the organization's Twitter profile
linkedin_url string The URL of the organization's LinkedIn profile
bio string A biography of the organization
logo string The URL of the organization's logo
website string The URL of the organization's website
founded string The year the organization was founded
employees string The approximate number of employees in the organization
locale string The locale of the organization
category string The category of the organization; possible values are Adult, Email Provider, Education, SMS, or Other

FullContact Find Person

Return a person's profile information based on their email address and LinkedIn profile.


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-find-person", email, linkedin, [properties])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-find-person", "tcook@apple.com")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-find-person", "bill.gates@microsoft.com")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/fullcontact-find-person", "jeff@amazon.com", "full_name, title, bio")


Property Type Description Required
email string The email address of the person you wish you find. true
linkedin string The LinkedIn username of the person you wish to find. true
properties array The properties to return (defaults to all properties). See "Returns" for a listing of the available properties. false


Property Type Description
full_name string The full name of the person (default)
age_range string The age range of the person
gender string The gender of the person
location string The location of the person (varies depending on data quality)
title string The current or most recent job title of the person
organization string The current or most recent place of work of the person
twitter_url string The URL of the person's Twitter profile
facebook_url string The URL of the person's Facebook profile
linkedin_url string The URL of the person's LinkedIn profile
bio string A biography of the person
avatar_url string The URL of the person's photo

Need help?

Have questions? Need help getting started? Need other FullContact templates or functions for Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets? Chat with us; we're happy to help!