
Crunchbase Functions & Syntax


Crunchbase is a platform for finding business information about private and public companies, investors and investment rounds. With this spreadsheet integration for Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, you can interactively query private and public company data from Crunchbase without leaving your spreadsheet.

What you can do

With this integration, you can:

  • Interactively search and filter Crunchbase data
  • Lookup investors for a list of companies
  • Find key people at venture capital firms
  • Find key people at recently acquired companies
  • Enrich email lists with company data

What you need

You need to have an Crunchbase Enterprise API key to use this integration. Also, if you haven't already installed the add-on for Excel or Google Sheets, you need to set this up as well.

Functions and Syntax

This integration for Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets includes the following functions:

Crunchbase Acquisitions

Returns data about company acquisitions


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-acquisitions", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-acquisitions", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-acquisitions", "name, permalink, acquirer_name, acquiree_name, acquired_on, price, price_currency_code", "+acquirer_name:Google")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-acquisitions", "name, permalink acquirer_name, acquiree_name, acquired_on, price, price_currency_code", "+acquirer_name:Apple +acquired_on:>=2020-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-acquisitions", "permalink, acquirer_name, acquiree_name, acquired_on, price_usd", "(acquirer_name:Apple OR acquirer_name:Microsoft) AND acquired_on:>=2020-01-01")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the acquisition
name string Name of the acquisition
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the acquisition
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the acquisition
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the acquisition record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the acquisition was last updated in the system
acquiree_uuid string Globally unique ID for the acquired organization
acquiree_name string Name of the acquired organization
acquiree_cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the acquired organization
acquiree_country_code string Country where the headquarters of the acquired organization is located
acquiree_state_code string State or province where the headquarters of the acquired organization is located
acquiree_region string Region where the headquarters of the acquired organization is located
acquiree_city string City where the headquarters of the acquired organization is located
acquirer_uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization that made the acquisition
acquirer_name string Name of the organization that made the acquisition
acquirer_cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the organization that made the acquisition
acquirer_country_code string Country where the headquarters of the organization that made the acquisition is located
acquirer_state_code string State or province where the headquarters of the organization that made the acquisition is located
acquirer_region string Region where the headquarters of the organization that made the acquisition is located
acquirer_city string City where the headquarters of the organization that made the acquisition is located
acquisition_type string Type of acquisition (acquisition, LBO, merger, etc.)
acquired_on date Date of the acquisition
price_usd integer Price of the acquisition in US dollars
price integer Price of the acquisition
price_currency_code string Currency of the acquisition price


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Category Groups

Returns data about category groups


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-category-groups", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-category-groups", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-category-groups", "name, permalink, category_groups_list", "+category_groups_list:Investments")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-category-groups", "name, permalink, category_groups_list", "+category_groups_list:Investments -Credit")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-category-groups", "name, permalink, category_groups_list", "venture OR angel")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the category group
name string Name of the category group (e.g. Software, Mobile, Clean Energy, etc.)
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the category group
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the category group
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
category_groups_list string List of related industry categories (e.g. Financial Services, Media and Entertainment, etc.)


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Degrees

Returns data about degrees


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-degrees", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-degrees", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-degrees", "person_name, institution_name, degree_type, subject","""Elon Musk""")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-degrees", "person_uuid, person_name, institution_name, degree_type, subject, completed_on","+Physics +completed_on:>=2015-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-degrees", "person_uuid, person_name, institution_name, degree_type, subject, completed_on","(Stanford OR MIT) AND completed_on:>=2020-01-01")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the degree record
name string Name of the educational degree earned by a person (e.g. BS Computer Science, M.A. Physics, etc.)
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the degree record
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the degree
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
person_uuid string Globally unique ID for the person who earned the degree
person_name string Name of the person who earned the degree
institution_uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization which awarded the degree
institution_name string Name of the organization which awarded the degree
degree_type string Type of degree (BA, Ph.D, MBA, etc.)
subject string Subject field for the degree (e.g. Computer Science, Law, Economics, etc.)
started_on date Date the program for the degree was started
completed_on date Date the degree was awarded
is_completed boolean Indicates whether the program for the degree was completed


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Event Appearances

Returns data about event appearances


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-event-appearances", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-event-appearances", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-event-appearances", "event_name, participant_name, participant_type, appearance_type","+Techcrunch +Disrupt +appearance_type:speaker")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-event-appearances", "event_name, participant_name, participant_type, appearance_type","(Andreessen OR Sequoia) AND +participant_type:organization")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-event-appearances", "event_name, participant_name, participant_type, appearance_type","+participant_name:""Bill Gates""")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the event appearance
name string Name of the event appearance
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the event appearance
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the event appearance
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
event_uuid integer Globally unique ID for the event the appearance was at
event_name integer Name of the event the appearance was at
participant_uuid integer Globally unique ID for the organization or person who made the appearance
participant_name integer Name of the organization or person who made the appearance
participant_type integer Type of participant (e.g. organization, person, etc.)
appearance_type integer Type of appearance (e.g. sponsor, speaker, etc.)
short_description integer Short description of the event appearance


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Events

Returns data about events


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-events", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-events", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-events", "name, permalink, started_on, ended_on, city, country_code", "name: Economic")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-events", "name, permalink, started_on, ended_on, city, country_code", "+state_code:CA +started_on:>=2020-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-events", "name, permalink, started_on, ended_on, venue_name, state_code", "+venue_name:Moscone")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the event
name string Name of the event
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the event
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the event
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
short_description string Short description of the event
started_on date Date the event started
ended_on date Date the event ended
event_url string Website URL for the event
registration_url string Website URL for the event registration page
venue_name string Name of the venue where the event occurred
description string Full description of the event
country_code string Country where the event occurred
state_code string State or province where the event occurred
region string Region where the event occurred
city string City where the event occurred
logo_url string Website URL for the event logo
event_roles string List of roles for the event (e.g. networking, demo day, class, expo, etc.)


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Funding Rounds

Returns data about funding rounds


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funding-rounds", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funding-rounds", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funding-rounds", "org_name, investment_type, announced_on, raised_amount_usd, post_money_valuation_usd, investor_count, permalink", "SpaceX")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funding-rounds", "org_name, investment_type, announced_on, raised_amount_usd, investor_count, permalink", "+investment_type:angel +announced_on:>=2020-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funding-rounds", "org_name, investment_type, announced_on, raised_amount_usd, investor_count, permalink", "+region:Illinois +announced_on:>=2020-01-01")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the funding round
name string Name of the funding round
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the funding round
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the funding round
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
country_code string Country associated with the funding round
state_code string State or province associated with the funding round
region string Region associated with the funding round
city string City associated with the funding round
investment_type string Type of investment for the funding round (angel, series A, etc.)
announced_on date Date the funding round was announced
raised_amount_usd integer Amount of money raised in the funding round in US dollars
raised_amount integer Amount of money raised in the funding round
raised_amount_currency_code string Currency of the amount raised in the funding round
post_money_valuation_usd integer Post money valuation of the organiation involved in the funding round in US dollars
post_money_valuation integer Post money valuation of the organiation involved in the funding round
post_money_valuation_currency_code string Currency of the post money valuation of the organiation involved in the funding round
investor_count integer Number of investors involved in the funding round
org_uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization involved in the funding round
org_name string Name of the organization involved in the funding round
lead_investor_uuids string List of globally unique IDs for the lead investors involved in the funding round


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Funds

Returns data about investment funds


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funds", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funds", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funds", "name, entity_name, announced_on, raised_amount_usd, cb_url", "+announced_on:>=2020-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funds", "name, entity_name, announced_on, raised_amount_usd, cb_url", "+entity_name:""Sequoia Capital"" -India -China -Israel")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-funds", "name, entity_name, announced_on, raised_amount_usd, cb_url", "China")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the investment fund
name string Name of the fund
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the fund
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the fund
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
entity_uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization or entity that manages the fund
entity_name string Name of the organization or entity that manages the fund
entity_type string Type of entity that manages the fund
announced_on date Date the fund was announced
raised_amount_usd integer Amount raised by the fund in US dollars
raised_amount integer Amount raised by the fund
raised_amount_currency_code string Currency of the amount raised by the fund


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Investment Partners

Returns data about investment partners


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investment-partners", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investment-partners", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investment-partners", "name, funding_round_name, investor_name, partner_name", "+Peter +Thiel")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investment-partners", "name, funding_round_name, investor_name, partner_name", "+investor_name:""Founders Fund"" +funding_round_name:""Series A""")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investment-partners", "name, funding_round_name, investor_name, partner_name", "+funding_round_name:SpaceX")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the investment the partners participated in
name string Name of the investment the partners participated in
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the investment the partners participated in
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the investment the partners participated in
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
funding_round_uuid string Globally unique ID for the funding round the partners participated in
funding_round_name string Name of the funding round the partners participated in
investor_uuid string Globally unique ID for the investor (related to crunchbase-investors)
investor_name string Name of the investor (related to crunchbase-investors)
partner_uuid string Globally unique ID for the partner who participated in the investment (related to crunchbase-investors and crunchbase-people)
partner_name string Name of the partner who participated in the investment (related to crunchbase-investors and crunchbase-people)


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Investments

Returns data about investments


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investments", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investments", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investments", "investor_name, investor_type, is_lead_investor, funding_round_name, cb_url", "+investor_name:""Jeff Bezos""")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investments", "investor_name, investor_type, is_lead_investor, funding_round_name, cb_url", "+funding_round_name: Google -funding_round_name:Adometry")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investments", "investor_name, investor_type, is_lead_investor, funding_round_name, cb_url", "+is_lead_investor:True +funding_round_name:""Series A""")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the investment
name string Name of the investment
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the investment
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the investment
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
funding_round_uuid string Globally unique ID for the funding round associated with the investment
funding_round_name string Name of funding round associated with the investment
investor_uuid string Globally unique ID for the investor (related to crunchbase-investors)
investor_name string Name of the investor (related to crunchbase-investors)
investor_type string Type of investor (e.g. organization, person, etc.)
is_lead_investor boolean Indicates whether the organization or person was the lead investor


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Investors

Returns data about investors


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investors", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investors", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investors", "name, investor_types, city, state_code, investment_count, founded_on, closed_on, cb_url", "+investor_types:venture_capital +state_code:CA")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investors", "name, investor_types, city, state_code, investment_count, founded_on, closed_on, cb_url", "+founded_on:>=2020-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-investors", "name, investor_types, city, investment_count, cb_url", "+investor_types:private_equity_firm -investor_types:venture* +investment_count:>0 +state_code:NY")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the investor
name string Name of the investor
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the investor
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the investor
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the record was last updated in the system
roles string List of roles for the investor (e.g. investor, company, etc.)
domain string Website domain for the investor
country_code string Country where the investor is located
state_code string State or province where the investor is located
region string Region where the investor is located
city string City where the investor is located
investor_types string Type of investor (e.g. angel, venture_capital, etc.)
investment_count integer Number of investments the investor has participated in
total_funding_usd integer Total funding amount raised across funds in US dollars
total_funding integer Total funding amount raised across funds
total_funding_currency_code string Currency of the total funding amount raised across funds
founded_on date Date the organization was founded
closed_on date Date when the organization was closed
facebook_url string Facebook page URL for the investor
linkedin_url string LinkedIn profile URL for the investor
twitter_url string Twitter profile URL for the investor
logo_url string Website URL for the investor's logo


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase IPOs

Returns data about IPOs


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-ipos", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-ipos", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-ipos", "org_name, stock_exchange_symbol, stock_symbol, went_public_on, share_price_usd", "AAPL MSFT AMZN GOOG")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-ipos", "org_name, stock_exchange_symbol, stock_symbol, went_public_on, share_price_usd", "+stock_exchange_symbol:NYSE +went_public_on:>=2020-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-ipos", "org_name, stock_exchange_symbol, went_public_on, cb_url", "+stock_exchange_symbol:NASDAQ +went_public_on:[2000-01-01 TO 2000-12-31]")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the IPO
name string Name of the IPO
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink of the IPO
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the IPO
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the IPO record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the IPO was last updated in the system
org_uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization that made the IPO
org_name string Name of the organization that made the IPO
org_cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the organization that made the IPO
country_code string Country where the headquarters of the organization that made the IPO is located
state_code string State or province where the headquarters of the organization that made the IPO is located
region string Region where the headquarters of the organization that made the IPO is located
city string City where the headquarters of the organization that made the IPO is located
stock_exchange_symbol string Symbol of the stock exchange where the organization made the IPO
stock_symbol string Stock symbol of the organization that made the IPO
went_public_on date Date the organization went public on
share_price_usd number Share price of the IPO in USD
share_price number Share price of the IPO in the currency given by the share price currency code
share_price_currency_code string Share price currency code of the share price of the IPO
valuation_price_usd integer Valuation price in USD
valuation_price integer Valuation price in the currency given by the valuation price currency code
valuation_price_currency_code string Valuation price currency code of the valuation price
money_raised_usd integer Money raised in USD
money_raised integer Money raised in the currency given by the money raised currency code
money_raised_currency_code string Money raised currency code of the money raised


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Jobs

Returns data about jobs


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-jobs", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-jobs", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-jobs", "person_name, org_name, title, job_type, started_on, ended_on","+title:Founder")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-jobs", "person_name, org_name, title, started_on, cb_url","+title:Founder +started_on:>=2020-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-jobs", "person_name, org_name, title, job_type, started_on, ended_on, cb_url","+title:software +title:engineer +ended_on:>=2020-01-01")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the job
name string Name of the job
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the job
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the job
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the job record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the job was last updated in the system
person_uuid string Globally unique ID for the person having the job
person_name string Name of the person having the job
org_uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization where the job is being performed
org_name string Name of the organization where the job is being performed
started_on date Date the job started
ended_on date Date the job ended
is_current boolean Whether or not the job is currently being performed
title string The title of the job position
job_type string The type of job


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Organization Parents

Returns data about organization parents


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-org-parents", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-org-parents", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-org-parents", "name, parent_name, rank, cb_url", "Sequoia")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-org-parents", "name, parent_name, cb_url", "parent_name:Facebook")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-org-parents", "name, parent_name, rank, cb_url", "name:Instagram")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization
name string Name of the organization
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the organization
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the organization
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the organization record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the organization was last updated in the system
parent_uuid string Globally unique ID for the parent organization
parent_name string Name of the parent organization


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Organization Descriptions

Returns data about organizations


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organization-descriptions", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organization-descriptions", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organization-descriptions", "name, description", "+spreadsheet +report*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organization-descriptions", "name, description", "+space +equipment +manufacturer")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organization-descriptions", "name, description", "+(renewable OR clean) +energy -""venture capital firm""")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization
name string Name of the organization
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the organization
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the organization
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the organization record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the organization was last updated in the system
description string Description of the organization


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase Organizations

Returns data about organizations


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organizations", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organizations", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organizations", "name, homepage_url, category_groups_list, founded_on, closed_on, employee_count", "category_groups_list:advertising")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organizations", "name, homepage_url, category_groups_list, founded_on, closed_on, employee_count", "closed_on:>=2020-01-01")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-organizations", "name, homepage_url, category_groups_list, founded_on, closed_on, employee_count", "+founded_on:>=2020-01-01 +employee_count:11-50")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization
name string Name of the organization
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink of the organization
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the organization
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the organization record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the organization was last updated in the system
legal_name string Legal name of the organization
roles string List of roles served by the organization
domain string Domain name of the organization
homepage_url string Homepage website page URL for the organization
country_code string Country where the headquarters of the organization is located
state_code string State or province where the headquarters of the organization is located
region string Region where the headquarters of the organization is located
city string City where the headquarters of the organization is located
address string Address where the headquarters of the organization is located
postal_code string Postal code where the headquarters of the organization is located
status string Current status of the organization
short_description string Short description of the organization
category_list string List of business categories the organization is involved in
category_groups_list string List of business category groups the organization is involved in
num_funding_rounds integer Number of funding rounds raised by the organization
total_funding_usd integer Total funding amount raised by the organization in USD
total_funding integer Total funding amount raised by the organization in the currency given by the funding currency code
total_funding_currency_code string Funding currency code of the total funding amount raised by the organization
founded_on date Date the organization was found on
last_funding_on date Date the organization was last funded
closed_on date Date the organization was closed
employee_count string Number of employees in the organization
email string Primary contact email address for the organization
phone string Primary phone number for the organization
facebook_url string Facebook website page URL for the organization
linkedin_url string LinkedIn website page URL for the organization
twitter_url string Twitter website page URL for the organization
logo_url string Logo URL for the organization
alias1 string Alternative name for the organization
alias2 string Alternative name for the organization
alias3 string Alternative name for the organization
primary_role string Primary role served by the organization
num_exits integer The number of exists the organization was involved in


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase People

Returns data about people


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people", "first_name, last_name, featured_job_organization_name, featured_job_title, linkedin_url", "+Google +Engineer")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people", "first_name, last_name, featured_job_organization_name, featured_job_title", "featured_job_title:Partner")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people", "first_name, last_name, featured_job_organization_name, featured_job_title, linkedin_url", "+Jeff +Bezos")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the person
name string Name of the person
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the person
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the person
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the person record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the person was last updated in the system
first_name string First name of the person
last_name string Last name of the person
gender string Gender of the person
country_code string Country where the person lives
state_code string State or province where the person lives
region string Region where the person lives
city string City where the person lives
featured_job_organization_uuid string Globally unique ID for the organization featured for the person
featured_job_organization_name string Name of the organization featured for the person
featured_job_title string Job title featured for the person
facebook_url string Facebook website page URL for the person
linkedin_url string LinkedIn website page URL for the person
twitter_url string Twitter website page URL for the person
logo_url string Logo URL for the person


Additional Resources:

Crunchbase People Descriptions

Returns data about people


=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people-descriptions", [properties], [filter])

Sample Usage

=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people-descriptions", "*")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people-descriptions", "name, description", "+""Jeff Bezos""")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people-descriptions", "name, description", "name:""Elon Musk""")
=FLEX("YOUR_TEAM_NAME/crunchbase-people-descriptions", "name, description", "+founder +software +""invested in""")


Property Type Description Required
properties array The properties to return, given as a string or array; defaults to all properties; see "Returns" for available properties false
filter array Search query to determine the rows to return, given as a string or array false


Property Type Description
uuid string Globally unique ID for the person
name string Name of the person
type string Type of information described by the globally unique ID
permalink string Permalink for the person
cb_url string Crunchbase website page URL for the person
rank integer Algorithmic rank assigned to the record
created_at date Date the person record was created in the system
updated_at date Date the information for the person was last updated in the system
description string Description of the person


Additional Resources:

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