Google Sheets
Microsoft Excel

COVID-19 data for your spreadsheet

Search and filter live, refreshable COVID-19 data in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets


Quickly import data for COVID-19 cases and tests from open data repositories published by Johns Hopkins University, the New York Times, and Our World in Data. With this spreadsheet integration for Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, you can search and filter COVID-19 data from these repositories directly in your spreadsheet.


  1. Interactively search and filter worldwide COVID-19 data
  2. Lookup current data for COVID-19 cases from daily reports
  3. Lookup historical COVID-19 data for multiple countries
  4. Import statistics for confirmed cases, deaths, and people tested


Need help with a COVID-19 function? Check out the COVID-19 functions and syntax documentation.

Need help?

Have questions? Need help getting started? Need other COVID-19 templates or functions for Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets? Chat with us; we're happy to help!