Thoughts on the Data Ecosystem

The Blog

Improving Data Access: Getting Past Step One

November 4, 2015 by Ken Kaczmarek

In my previous post, I explored commonalities found in any given “data project.” Here we’ll run the first of the five gauntlets: data access.

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Data Prep to Data Pipes: 5 Facets of a Data Project

October 27, 2015 by Ken Kaczmarek

At this point, we’ve all heard the news.

Data is growing at an exponential rate. Data is the new oil. Data is a strategic advantage. Data is big. Data is small. Certainly Goldilocks believes her porridge data is jusssst right.

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Let a Thousand Data Silos Bloom

January 21, 2015 by Ken Kaczmarek

It’s a story as old as time. It’s a story of evolution, a story of freedom. And it’s a story of stuffing a genie back into its bottle.

Yes, I speak of the ancient enterprise battle royale: Productivity vs. Control.

These battles are constantly happening throughout the enterprise, usually with very good intentions. But, like so many good intentions, they often pave the road to, um… employee circumvention. Hey, gotta get stuff done, right?!?

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5 Steps to Faster Data Projects

November 20, 2014 by Nate Williams

Data projects come in many shapes and sizes. From big data predictive analytics to small data spreadsheet projects, from building new open data applications to reconciling a couple of ERP tables in the accounting department.

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Enterprise Data Projects: It Takes a Village

October 13, 2014 by Ken Kaczmarek

I recently found an article discussing the four different types of Data Scientists. Turns out there’s a quite a bit of wiggle in what the term “Data Scientist” might mean – from business savant to data viz wiz to world class coder to Ph.D. in statistics. A question is posed:

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