On-demand data
web services

directly in your spreadsheet

Use =FLEX() to import data from any API, file, or database table into Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets

Flex.io Google Sheets add-on

Instant integrations for the services you love

APIs & Web Services

Get on-demand lists and enrichments from web services

Enrich lead lists with services like Hunter, FullContact, and Crunchbase. Get custom lists of data from CRMs like Intercom, Pipedrive and Hubspot.

Distribute data sets to spreadsheet users by pointing to them
Files & Tables

Import refreshable extracts and lookups from your own data systems

Easily snap together key value lookup functions from file stores like Dropbox, Box and S3. Broadcast data extracts to your end users from master files in Google Sheets, Postgres or MySQL.

Enrich data in a spreadsheet with API lookups
Roll Your Own

Build your own custom spreadsheet functions with Python or Node.js

Go off-road. Access just about any data with your own code and then easily document your custom functions with YAML. Share functions with your team without sharing your credentials.

Lookup data from a master file and return it to the spreadsheet

Bring your own spreadsheet

Install the Excel or Google Sheets Add-on. Log in with your Flex.io account. Enjoy.

Flex.io Google Sheets add-on

Built for your team

Data analysis is a team sport. Flex.io streamlines the process of getting data from IT’s hands into analysts’ spreadsheets. Everyone can focus on what they do best.

User Permissions

Build once, share widely. Flex.io enables you to create teams, manage users, set permissions, and limit the spreadsheet functions you distribute.

Credentials Management

Keep source data secure. Flex.io enables you to share data with your team while protecting database credentials, OAuth tokens, and API keys.

Data sources and spreadsheets. Harmonized.

Flex.io acts as a proxy between data sources and spreadsheets

Flex.io acts as a proxy between spreadsheets and external data sources. When an analyst uses a custom function, Flex.io verifies permissions, processes the request, and returns the result to the spreadsheet. Almost instantly.

Do (even) more with your spreadsheet


Enrich people data

With just a name or email, utilize integrations like Hunter or FullContact to pull down additional profile information.


Enrich company data

Doing research on organizations? Use integrations like Crunchbase or Wikipedia to gather company information.


Create refreshable reports

Stop opening and formatting new CSV files. Access remote data sets, build models or graphs, and refresh with a click.


Assemble lists

Perform web research without copy/paste. Gather lists from services like GitHub and Twitter with a simple function.


Explore your customer data

Assemble custom lists from CRM systems like Intercom, Pipedrive and HubSpot directly from your spreadsheet.


Look up data from master tables

Get instant access to master product, item, or vendor tables and return values with a lookup function.

Enrich your spreadsheet today!